Athletics, Health & Fitness

 As we learn to adapt and add more exciting athletic programs for our adults we cannot forget about our Martial Art, Yoga, and Get Fit programs. Stay in the loop of all of our adult athletics & Fitness programs through every season right here!


Kankakee Valley Park District's seasonal pool passes for 2024! 

To dive into the fun, follow these simple steps:

Get your Residency Verification Letter:
1. Verify Your Residency: Visit Bourbonnais Township Park District at Perry Farm House, located at 459 N. Kennedy Dr., Bourbonnais, IL 60914, during regular business hours. 
2. Purchase Your Pass: With your residency verification letter in hand, head over to Kankakee Valley Park District at 893 W. Station Street, Kankakee, IL 60901.
3. Claim Your Pass: Purchase your pool pass at Splash Valley aquatic facility when it opens for the season.

How to Get Your Residency Verification Letter:

RESIDEncy verification Application

1.Fill Out an Application: Online or in-person at Perry Farm House, 459 N. Kennedy Dr., Bourbonnais, IL 60914.
2. Visit Perry Farm House: Head over to Perry Farm House to have your residency verification letter confirmed.
3. Receive Your Letter: BTPD will provide you with your residency letter

Important Reminders:

Only individuals residing at the listed address will be verified.
All minor children must be under your legal guardianship.
Bring a valid Driver’s License, State ID, or similar document with residential info.
Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to make a splash all summer long!



Don't forget to check out the Pickleball courts at KENO Park tennis courts, 801 Canterbury Lane, Bourbonnais. These courts are open to the public from sunrise to sunset.



Get Fit Programs on Tuesdays and Thursdays will be changing to allow for online registration! Adult fitness memberships are going away and no more registration fees! Just sign up online or at a park district location for the classes you wish to attend!